ultimate influencer formula for social sellers

The masterclass that takes YOU from


on social media in 90-days!

Photo of Andrea with crown on her head, pointing in her phone, while her other hand is holding the phone in a colorful paint splatter background

What Other Queens Have Said!

Round photo of Laurel smiling

Laurel M.

For the first time in 3 years, I have REAL clarity on my avatar. That alone has improved my posting. Your workbook has been tremendously helpful to me! I can’t wait to dig in more!

Crown Icon in Pink Circle Frame

Ashley C.

P.S. We are up to like, 80 leads in 1 week and probably 70 of those are from last night!

Round photo of Nicolle smiling

Nicolle C.

Super excited! I got 2 leads from a business targeted post yesterday and I have a zoom scheduled with her tomorrow to answer her questions!! I think I’m headed in the right direction.

If you’re ready to get unstuck for good, build social media influence, and create ENDLESS lead flow, but know you won’t get there with your current strategies

And you’ve gotten so fed up with all of the outdated or ineffective strategies you have tried so far

And you’re even skeptical that there is ACTUALLY an masterclass (including a 13 page workbook) that will teach you what you need to know for just $7!

and regardless of your current friends list, confidence and authenticity level on social, or current skillset; you KNOW you CAN do this if someone teaches you what you NEED to know

You have to know this Queen!

Number 1

There is a simple way to build social media influence in 90-days.

Number 2

There is a real proven way to create endless organic lead flow.

Number 3

A way to stop spending ridiculously long hours in FB groups, messaging people, and unnecessarily patrolling and scrolling social media.

Number 4

A real way to scale a profitable and scalable brand on social that creates 5-figure months,

6-figure plus years. (I mean, I did it ladies, why can’t you?)

Black and Pink Magnet with Dollar Signs as being magnetized

You should be... able to build your social media influence so you can build your business! You ARE a person of influence, you just haven't been given the right tools to build your influence online. Once you have those tools, nothing will stop you!

Be the Dominator

You should be... the one leading in your industry, dominating, and disrupting the status quo. You deserve to build the business legacy you always dreamed of working with an endless flow of ideal prospects who pursue you. YOU should be the one experiencing true financial and location freedom while you build your income legacy.

  • Even if you currently have a small following

  • Feel you lack confidence and ability to show up online authentically

  • Are new to the online or social media space


Photo of Andrea Smiling and her hands crossed to each other

You deserve a simple repeatable formula to grow your social media influence... without suffering social media burnout, misalignment from inauthentic strategies, or embarrassment using outdated methods everyone can’t stand.

Which is why I give you the same formula I used to go from ZERO to influence on social media in 90-days, so you start turning a profit in your online business once and for all…

Arrow right

To give you the exact organic methods I use to generate endless high quality leads online

Arrow right

Simple repeatable steps to grow your social media influence

Now introducing to you..


Ultimate Influencer Formula for Social Sellers Go from Zero to Influence in 90 ays

In this one hour masterclass, I teach you my exact step-by-step formula that took me from ZERO to influence on social in 90-days and scaling from there.

Because Queen, you deserve to scale your social media EMPIRE with tailored guidance for the female network marketer from a female network marker.

With The Ultimate Influence Formula, you’ll learn simple and repeatable strategies for building your social media influence and generating organic leads. You will learn how to zero in on your target audience's needs, while leveraging your major "attractor factor" that no one else has but YOU!

All this, transforming you into a dominating Queen at social selling in your industry!

I'm so happy to be here with you! Hi, I'm Andrea!

I combine my deep understanding of human psychology with cutting edge social media strategies and my 9 year background in sales and network marketing.

There is a psychology to showing up as the UNSTOPPABLE & AUTHENTIC you online in relationship to your ideal client.

I am a retired Psychotherapist turned network marketing coach and social media strategist.

I have coached and mentored hundreds of female entrepreneurs to build profitable online brands.

I am the #2 enroller with my current direct sales company with a large duplicating team.

I have 10,000 plus hours of mastery in closing sales.

After investing thousands upon thousands in training and mentorship, I realized I needed to create mentorship to serve a special kind of entrepreneurship.

The female network marketer who wants to show up online fully and authentically to serve and connect with her audience, using cutting edge strategies without crazy ad spend, because it is absolutely POSSIBLE!

I love to empower other women who are ready to make their IMPACT and INCOME, because it truly is about seeing WOMEN WIN in the online space.

In this Masterclass and Workbook

You will learn how to...


Identify Your Unique attractor factor


Become a personal of value to your audience


Zone in on target Audience needs


By helping people get wins for free

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